Accessibility Policy

Standards Compliance

All of the web pages of this website adhere to level AAA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 1.0) and to standards in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

All of the web pages of this website are produced as valid XHTML 1.0 Strict World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard using Cascading Style Sheets for styling and layout.

All pages of the website use structured semantic markup. Certain assistive technologies, such as screen readers, allow users to navigate through pages by headings and sub-headings when they are properly marked-up.

Accessibility Features

The following accessibility features are implemented on this website for people who have difficulty in using pointing devices such as a mouse, are blind or with low vision.

Access Keys

Access keys enable users to navigate to major areas of the website by using the keyboard only. Due to conflicts that can occur between access key assignments and functions of different browsing software, this site doesn't have default access keys, but instead allows its visitors to define their own access keys.

Access keys work by pressing ALT (Windows) or CTRL (Mac) and then the chosen access key (Internet Explorer users also need to press ENTER at the end; Firefox 2.x users need to press Shift+ALT+access key).

Re-sizable Text

We have provided an easy way to adjust the font size on this website by providing several font settings on the Customize page. Just select the one that suits your needs best. This function will use cookies to store your preference so that next time you visit our website your chosen font size will already be selected.

You may also adjust your browser's settings. Depending on your browser type, do one of the following:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer: go to the View menu, select Text Size and then either Larger or Largest
  • Netscape Navigator: go to the View menu and choose Increase Font until the text is the size you require.
  • Mozilla/Firefox: go to the View menu, Text Size and choose Increase until the text is the size you require. You can also use Ctrl + + and to return to the default size, use Ctrl + 0

For those who have a scroll wheel with their mouse, holding down the Ctrl key and scrolling the wheel up or down will increase/decrease text size in all browsers.

Focus Indication

For all forms on this website we provide a focus indication so that persons using the keyboard can easily notice that certain field or link has been selected.

Skip Links

Image Alt Tags

Images are accessible to the maximum extent possible. All content images have more descriptive ALT-text attributes. Screen readers will read this text, and text-only browsers will display it so that, at the very least, users who have problems seeing images can get a sense of what the images are communicating.


Our hyperlinks have additional title attributes that describe the link in detail and make sense out of context. We also use focus indication so that keyboard only users can easily notice which hyperlink has focus at any time.

Site Search

Quick Links

Fire EMS Zoning Minutes Zoning

Phone Numbers

Troy Township / Fiscal Officer
P: (419) 466-7412

Fire & EMS
P: (419) 833-5422

Trustees / Roads / Cemetery
P: (419) 833-5111

P: (419) 833-4040
C: (419) 494-6086

Get Directions

Map showing Luckey, OH

P.O. Box 128
237 Krotzer Ave.
Luckey, OH 43443

© 2025 Copyright Troy Township
Website Designed and Developed by Accessible Web Studio, Ltd.
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